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Robotized welding

Robotic welding. We started in this field in 2000 with the design and manufacture of the first MAG lines for the manufacture of stainless steel tanks. Since then until today we have carried out an infinity of projects, especially for the automotive sector. These types of machines are one of our core business today. Robotized welding is of our main lines of business, being familiar with different types of welding (MIG, MAG, resistance, etc.). We integrate welding equipment and accessories from top brands such as Serra, Bosch, Matuscheck, Braüer, Fronius, Cloos, ARO welding, Nimak, Binzel, Doceram, AMDP.


We have developed a multitude of cells and automatic lines, using all manufacturers of robots, clamps and generators. Our clients mostly belong to the automotive sector, so implementing the most demanding quality control standards is our day to day. We also develop special machines when our customers demand it.

Soldadura robotizada. Robots en linea de pisos de furgonetaPinza fija para soldadura por resistenciaRobot Comau sobre track Zona automática carga pallets por filoguiadoUtillajes en mesa de giroUtillaje en mesa de giro desde zona de operadorVista de robots ABB y ARO en zona de bastidor fijoCelula de soldadura con mesa de giroSoldadura industrial. Robots en linea de pisos de furgonetaPinza de soldadura Serra en detalleZona de operador en cargaCelula de soldadura lista para transporte


In addition to integrating complete cells, we also design, manufacture and integrate welding tooling in existing facilities. This allows our clients to reuse welding cells, improving the amortization periods of the investments.

Juego de utillajes para industria de automocionUtillaje en ventana flipUtillaje para soldadura por resistencia para industria de automocionSet de utillajes listos para entregaMesa de indexado en mesa de giroMarcado scratching y salida de procesoUtillaje de soldadura de paso de rueda


Many resistance welding installations are oriented to components such as bolts and nuts. These facilities are inside the automatic zone or outside for manual use. WIP has extensive experience in custom press development , although we integrate commercial presses whenever possible.

Maquina especial para cierre de fondos de armarioPrensa a medida para soldadura de tuercas en zona automaticaPrensa a medida y alimentador de tuercas automaticoSoldadura de pernos en cascada automatizadaAutomatizacion de soldadura de tuercas enjauladas en proceso rotativoAutomatizacion de soldadura rotativa de tuerca enjaulada


Welding cells and lines based in MAG technology from a large number of sets. Our experience covers the automotive sector but also other important industrial sectors.

Exterior de lineaInterior de lineaRobot manipuladorLinea de soldadura MAGCabezal de soldadura para depositos de acero inoxidableDeposito de acero inoxidable acabado sobre maquinaMaquina para la fabricacion  de depositos de acero inoxidableMaquina de fabricacion de depositos pesados de acero inoxidableRobot de corte con plasma sobre trackUtillaje para tubosRobot de corte con plasma y soldaduraUtillaje de soldadura